The Aeldari are a highly advanced race of beings that can manipulate space and time. Here is the top five ways to play them in Warhammer 40k 9th edition, including 3 different tactics for each type of character.
The “best eldar units 9th edition” is a list of the top 5 best eldar units in Warhammer 40k. The list includes a variety of different units, from different armies.
The Aeldari 9th Edition Codex is now available! We’re going through the Top 5 Aeldari Tactics in Warhammer 40k today. If you’re new to the Aeldari, you’ll discover a wealth of background material, lore, and a comprehensive FAQ below. And, of course, Warhammer 40k’s Top 5 Aeldari Tactics!
The Aeldari (previously the Eldar) are one of Warhammer 40k’s most notorious factions. They were once the galaxy’s most powerful empire before succumbing to luxury and immorality. The main problem of immortality is that after the first millennia or two, it becomes tedious. Because of the depths of their depravity, their combined mental strength was able to accomplish the apparently impossible task of giving birth to the Chaos God Slaanesh.
The warp storm that followed wiped out the great portion of the old Aeldari empire. This resulted in the creation of the first Eye of Terror, which was previously guarded by the Imperium with the Cadian Gate until it was destroyed. Despite the fact that the Eye has subsequently grown into the Great Rift, it remains a massive reminder of the old Aeldari’s misdeeds.
The Aeldari have their own gods.
John-Stone-Avatar Art’s of Khaine
With the exception of Cegorach, who hid, Isha, who was taken by the Chaos God Nurgle, and Khaine, the god of battle, who was smashed into bits, all of their gods were slaughtered by Slaanesh. Khaine may now manifest avatars of himself using the residual shards after being broken.
The surviving Aeldari aboard their craft planets, which were essentially old wandering trade ships, are now the people’s last bastions. Various members of the Craftworlds have become the Anrathe, outcasts who have fled the Craftworlds to follow their own paths. Then there are the most extreme of exiles, the Corsairs, the galaxy’s lethal space pirates.
You may utilize all of them if you want to, depending on your composition and the perks you desire. They struggle for their lives, for purpose in a cosmos that has gone on without them, and for atonement. It’s anyone’s guess whether they’ll discover it, but one thing is certain: they’re a terrible force to be reckoned with.
In 9th Edition, this is how you play Craftworld Eldar.
In the 9th Edition, how are the Aeldari organized?
Babymordred121’s Survival of the Cruelest
The Aeldari have an absurd amount of keywords, smaller factions, and hence an unrivaled quantity of possibilities. They have the most options for hero character HQs of any army in the game. They are a renowned army of thousand-year-old characters and varied aspect fighters who are entirely focused on a particular combat talent. You may use HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, Dedicated Transports, Fliers, Fortifications, and Lords of the Battlefield from the standard list. Your army, on the other hand, is made up of experts; if you don’t figure out what your specialization will be, you’ll be at a major disadvantage.
The Aeldari’s Weaknesses
When it comes to tournament play, one of the biggest flaws is that if you do discover your specialization, but it’s the incorrect one for battling your opponent’s army list, you’ll suffer. Keep in mind, though, that you have an army with some of the strongest moving capabilities in the game. You’ll be able to dominate the field if you choose the appropriate professionals. Your troops, on the other hand, are very frail. Move quickly, attack hard, and leave nothing in your wake, for any blows from the survivors will rip you open wide.
HQ of the Aeldari
To be clear, you have at least 15 HQ options to pick from, many of them are incredibly effective and tailored for various armies. Depending on the HQ choice you choose to drive your army in that direction, your potential to be an army of experts is pushed to the limit. Illic Nightspear’s squad of exiled Alaitoc Rangers and Shroud Runners may be a very powerful skirmisher unit, to which you could add a Farseer HQ for Fate’s Threads support and some Shining Spears for high-speed offensive.
Because they all concentrate on a certain keyword and stratagem balance that will fit your army, it’s nearly certain that you’ll choose a named hero as part of your HQ decision. Illic, the Shroud Runners, and the Rangers all count as Rangers with proper weaponry for Ranger stratagems in the case above. Keep an eye on your keywords and construct your HQ according on your war strategy.
One thing to keep in mind if you have an Asuryani force: the Farseer’s Runes of Fate interaction allows you to change the meta-rules of the game in ways that are extremely destructive to opponents, and they also offer you the chance to reroll a Strand of Fate.
Eldar Units & Troops
In your army, you have four unit options with very varied uses. Corsair Voidreavers feature every Aeldari and Dark Aeldari keyword imaginable, making them ideal for use as a piece of connective tissue in an army. They can’t be the sole troop option until they’re in an Anhrathe deployment, however. The Guardian Defenders are a defensive force designed to maintain a position. Drop any goal markers you wish to keep and simply let them shoot at distant targets until they die.
Storm Guardians serve as additional connective tissue, with the possibility of equipping them with various weaponry dependent on the function they’ll be playing. They’re a good all-purpose troop choice, coming in units of 10 to 20 models with the option to equip flamers, fusion cannons, and power swords, as well as a Serpent’s Scale platform. Heavy Weapons Platforms are available to both Guardian model types, enabling you to turn an objective area into a fortress.
Rangers are snipers with a fantastic ballistics skill and the ability to disregard the “Look Out, Sir!” Rule. They can fire out to 36″ and have a phenomenal ballistics skill. Your troop choices are typically the response to the issue, “What do I have to clear objectives when my force isn’t serving its specific role?” And they’re excellent responses.
Elites of the Aeldari
Mayhemforge’s Evera Rivo
Your army is defined by your elite picks. Corsair Voidscarred are back, with psychic possibilities and superb connective tissue like Corsair troop selections. You must also have at least one other Elite option on the field to take them unless they’re in a fully Anrathe army. The notorious and superb Aspect Warriors are several of your other elite choices. Striking Scorpions, Fire Dragons, Howling Banshees, Dire Avengers, and Dark Reapers are among them, each with a distinct function on the battlefield and a distinct set of targets.
Furthermore, their exarchs may all be enhanced, and for 50 points, you can have a model that functions as a named character in an aspect warrior squad. This also applies to your Warlock Skyrunners, who are battle psykers. Last but not least, it contains all of your Wraith Construct troops.
What do you want to use to describe your army? This is the section where you respond to the question. Are there anti-armor units? Psyker assaults? Wraithblades, Wraithguard, and Wraithlord troops, perhaps? One thing is certain: two Aeldari armies are very unlikely to be identical.
Aeldari Quick Strike
Your Aspect fighters here include Swooping Hawks, Warp Spiders, and Shining Spears. Your Windriders and Vypers are also included in this section. In this area, the Eldar have traditionally prioritized flying Biker troops. Light fighter aircraft, on the other hand, are represented here, but they would be demoted to the Flyer section in other lists.
Aeldari has a lot of support.
This category includes Dark Reapers, Falcons, Fire Prisms, Night Spinners, Support Weapons, and War Walkers. One thing to keep in mind is that practically every unit in the Aeldari codex is dedicated to moving in some form, and your heavy supports are no exception. The Dark Reapers, the last aspect warrior, are a startlingly powerful artillery for a five-model squad, with the option of using a Tempest Launcher as a Heavy 2d6 indirect fire blast weapon on their exarch. They’re a great option if you don’t want to paint a huge, complex car.
The Falcons are a huge, speedy, and hard-hitting team. Although Fire Prisms are very weakly armored, its concentrated lance is virtually certain to take out a large number of vehicles in a single shot, and their scattered pulse is almost certain to wipe out most infantry squads in a single shot. Eldar’s basic motif remains the same: delicate fast glass cannons capable of dealing damage but not necessarily adapted to absorbing it.
Dedicated Aeldari Transports
Jockey-1337’s The Craftworld vs. The Phalanx – Warhammer 40K
Wave Serpents are your devoted transport, and they are much more powerfully equipped than any other dedicated transport. They’re also one of the few transporters that can obtain a 5+ invulnerable save with the Wave Serpent Shield upgrade, which should be one of your first purchases. As a consequence, it’s a very survivable carrier, and if you can drop a swarm of Fire Dragons on opposing tanks or Striking Scorpions in the center of enemy soldiers, you’ll wreck havoc.
It’s also an uncommon S8-equipped transport, posing a serious danger to opponent Heavy Support options. With the right deployment, you may completely transform the game, so if you want to shatter your opponent with a quick blitz, you should seriously consider adding them to your army. With this transport and the correct Aspect Warriors, this army outperforms practically everyone else.
Fliers of the Aeldari
Hemlock Wraithfighters are your traditional fighter craft, while Crimson Hunters are your final remaining Aspect Warrior option. They’re terrible, yet they’re also delicate.
Fortifications of the Aeldari
The significantly enhanced Webway Gate is the single most significant change to Aeldari tactics. It used to be possible to destroy it. It’s now indestructible, and the cost of placing Aeldari in reserves has been reduced by half. Your reserves may be dropped anywhere within 6″ of both arches and 9″ of enemy models. This is the unit’s charge, and it may assault anybody in the combat.
If you pay the price, you receive something ridiculous: your reinforcements may drop from the gate almost any time, anyplace, on top of enemy, assault right away, and it counts as cover if it’s between your troops and your foes. Before, the Aeldari didn’t have many choices for mobility, but now you may literally drop an ambush unit from your reserves every round.
The consequences are enormous: Striking Scorpions may descend on top of forces that would normally shoot them down, Fire Dragons can appear on top of enemy heavy support they need to destroy, Wraithguard can slam into enemy units, and the list goes on.
Lords of the Battlefield
Hyothric’s Fuegan the Phoenix Lord during Rhana Dandra
The Wraithknight is the most powerful Aeldari warlord. It may charge in the same round it fell back, and it can fully disregard other models while moving. It has 22 wounds and 4 attack base. If you keep to its huge melee weapon, it strikes hard. Alternatively, arm it with lousy weaponry and rely on its massive feet to do the heavy lifting during the Fight phase. If you utilize your ability to ignore other units while moving, and just drop it from firing phase, charge phase, combat phase, and keep it engaged at all times, you may expect it to pay back its point cost on the field for 400 points base.
Exarchs (Special Note)
Sergeants, Shas’vres, and other squad leader units exist in various armies. Exarchs exist among the Aeldari. Exarchs may be improved one at a time, depending on which Aspect Warrior team is receiving the improvement. This is significant because it means that a Dark Reaper exarch who spends 55 points to get all three upgrades gains a bonus attack with its Reaper Launcher, adds 1 to the wound rule for ranged attacks, and allows their entire unit to ignore the penalty to hit for firing heavy weapons in the same turn they move.
Choosing the correct Exarch improvements for your Aspect Warriors may completely transform how they operate, essentially transforming your Exarch into a formidable fighting character in the center of a unit. Again, the Eldar, now known as the Aeldari, have always been identified by their specializations. This is another another approach to broaden your expertise. Make an informed decision.
Aeldari Tactics in 9th Edition: Key Features
John-Stone-Howling Art’s Banshee
The Aeldari army is complex, relying largely on a network of interlocking systems and stratagems. Their most significant advantage is that they are very mobile and strike aggressively in every phase. Their major flaw is that, in comparison to other armies, they have extremely few options to absorb enemy wounds. You hit hard, but you also take a lot of hits. So the mobility phase is the most critical for you: selecting where to stand and when to take blows is always vital, but it’s twice so for you.
Fortunately, you have a variety of strategies at your disposal to improve your mobility. Keep in mind that your Craftworld will influence many of your tactical decisions. A Craftworld Attribute, a Warlord Trait, a Stratagem, and a Relic are included with each. Each one may aid in the formation of your army.
Remember, everyone likes Clowns and Pirates: Corsair Voidreavers may be deployed as long as you have another core Craftworld or Aeldari infantry unit. Corsair Voidscarred may be deployed as long as you have at least one other Elite pick. Harlequins may also be used as an allied detachment. If you’re unhappy with a vulnerability in your army, just fill it with Clowns and Pirates. [Here’s a link to Tara’s Harlequins article].
Fate’s Threads, Battle Focus, and Khaine’s favorite are also available, with practically every unit in your army having a mix of two to three of them.
Fate’s Threads
If you’re playing Asuryani models from a Craftworld, Fate’s Threads are your way to flip the script if your specialized troops end up in a situation they’re not ready to handle. You roll six dice before the start of fate, keep two, and record the result. The reason: you have 6 options from Fate’s Threads that let you decide that instead of rolling dice, you just take a 6.
An example might be getting a 2 during that pregame result: that gives you the Charge roll option, and now you can pick to take a 6 instead of one of your Charge rolls. You only get to keep a number of dice for this dependent on the size of the game you’re playing. So having that start-of-game roll can redefine your tactics and where you’re strong. Your Warlocks are advantaged if you get a bonus 6 to one of their rolls, your regular forces get a major advantage if you can take the biggest gun on the field, and decide instead of rolling it just gets a six. Your Fate’s Threads could decide the game depending on where they are and when you use them.
Warhammer 40k: Aeldari Tactics: Battle Focus
ThePaleCourt’s Aeldari Wraithblades
You’re in command of one of the game’s most mobile armies. This is crucial to achieving that goal: you may move, attack, stay stationary for the duration of your firing phase, and then move again if the conditions are appropriate. Your troops are weak, yet unrestricted mobility when moving and firing may carry you out of enemy range and allow you to break line of sight during combat rounds.
By far the greatest defense is to make it impossible for your opponents to shoot you at all, and nothing beats firing and then leaving your opponent unable to strike you without completing intricate steps. Determine which of your troops has Battle Focus and prepare to fire and move. Make yourself the greatest pain on the battlefield!
Khaine’s favorite
This unit becomes as close to indestructible as a unit can be short of having a bonus Feel No Pain save. A +4 invulnerable save, a limit to how many wounds it can take per phase, your enemy’s best attack only has a 1 in 2 chance of hitting, and even if they do hit you can point to the wound limit and say: “you’re out of chances to wound.” Your Khaine’s favorite models are some of the most important in your army, because they are as tough as many of your other units are fragile. Set them up to hold the line while the rest of your force dances through the battlefield.
Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Top 5 Aeldari Tactics
Klugdunum’s Warhammer 40k: Eldar Lone Hero
Nights at the Game Table’s experts have compiled the following Aeldari Tactics for Warhammer 40k in 9th Edition:
The first Aeldari tactic is to never stop moving.
After shooting a pistol, any unit with Battle Focus may move again. Skirmish and relocate when in uncertain. With their formidable weapon and unusual ability to combat concentrate 2d6″ afar, Warp Spiders are very dangerous.
Rapid Scoring Rangers (Aeldari Tactic #2)
With every assault, your default troop option, the Aeldari Rangers, may disregard the “Look Out, Sir!” rule. Utilize this to the fullest extent possible. Hit their characters and leaders without fear of retaliation. More significantly, their ability to go forward allows you to gain early win points on action secondary objectives and battlefield supremacy secondary objectives that would otherwise be unavailable. Keep in mind that scoring is how you win.
#3 Aeldari Tactic Select your Aspects
Aspect fighters are pricey, but they’re the finest at what they do, and what they do isn’t beautiful, to quote a certain yellow spandex-wearing comics superhero. Decide ahead of time what your army’s most pressing demands are, and your aspect warrior selections will be based on that. It’s ideal if you only choose one or two subjects to cover. Swooping Hawks and Warp Spiders are superb for mobility, whereas Howling Banshees are ideal for close combat.
Glass Cannons (Aeldari Tactic #4)
Most of your army that doesn’t have the Khaine’s favorite keyword hits very, very hard, can move very, very far, and cannot make saves on a good day. Position carefully, and figure out how to use cover and terrain features as best you can. You have access to the best defense of all: being in a position where your enemies can’t shoot you.
Use it to your advantage as much as possible. For example, if you have numerous Fire Prisms linked together, you may choose one to perform extra attacks per additional Prism that disregard Invulnerable Saves. There are very few things in this game that can disregard an Invulnerable Save, and although Fire Prisms aren’t great at taking blows, they have a lot of firepower as a unit.
What Tangled Webways We Weave (Aeldari Tactic #5)
Webway Gates are shockingly low-cost., You have the most choices for unit placement in the game. If you’re playing with reserves, it provides you the finest deployment choices in the game, allowing you to appear within 9″ of opponent models right out of the gate and lowering the CP cost of installing reserves.
You may appear anywhere, and unlike previous incarnations, when a Webway Gate might be destroyed, it will stay on the field for the duration of the game. Every round, you will simply grab Primary Points from locations by being able to dump soldiers on all of them as you see appropriate. As much as people desire troops that can kill other units, the ultimate method to win battles is to get points.
Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Aeldari Tactics FAQ
ThePaleCourt’s Aeldari Spiritseer
Which Eldar Craftworld is the best?
This is a question for which there is no satisfactory response. Which Eldar Craftworld you choose is determined by three factors: the strategy you want to utilize, the aspect warriors you want to deploy, and the combat goals you want to attain. The answers to those questions will determine which Eldar Craftworld is the finest.
What’s the Difference Between Craftworld Eldar and Dark Eldar?
Blacknight2h6’s Wraithlord Autarch Kaithe the Fury (Ulthwe)
The main distinction is that, whereas the Craftworld Eldar opted to reject the old Aeldari empire’s heinous excesses, the Dark Eldar chose to embrace them wholeheartedly in order to live. The Drukhari operate in a radically different way, brutalizing everyone around them in order to survive. To atone for their ancestral misdeeds, the Craftworld Eldar endeavor to pursue concentrated ways without excess.
Is there a larger number of Eldar or Dark Eldar?
This is a debate that has raged in canon for as long as the now-named Asuryani and Drukhari have been on the battlefield. It has been officially announced that there are more Craftworld Eldar (Asuryani) than Dark Eldar in 8th Edition (Drukhari). Especially since the Gate of Khaine in Commorragh was broken, allowing Daemons to enter and slaughtering many Drukhari in the process.
Do the Eldar of Craftworld despise one another?
Everyone hates everyone other in the grim dark future of the 42nd Millennium. Between Craftworld Asuryani, Drukhari, and the Corsairs, there are several feuds. If you were in the appropriate area of space, you could toss a rock and strike two warring Aeldari in the stars.
Do the Eldar have any Imperium allies?
Rouboute Gulliman was returned to the Imperium on Ultramar thanks to the Aeldari, particularly the Ynnari. Gulliman was restored with their support, and he initiated a series of reforms and programs that enabled the Imperium to survive the Cadian Gate’s destruction. As a result, the Ynnari are only shaky friends of the Imperium.
Is it possible for humans and Eldar to interbreed?
The last reported Human/Eldar mix occurred 30 years ago, with an Ultramarines Librarian, during the setting’s Rogue Trader era. She hasn’t been seen in years. Since then, the subject has not been addressed in Warhammer 40k canon literature.
The “craftworld eldar 9th edition codex” is a book that contains the rules and background of the craftworld eldar. It was released in November of 2017. The book also contains tactics for playing with the craftworld eldar.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Craftworlds good in 9th edition?
A: Craftworlds are a great choice for armies in the Warhammer 40,000 universe because they can specialize into one of two strategies- Offensive, which focuses on high volume firepower and enough bodies to overwhelm an enemy with sheer numbers; or Defensive, focusing on speed and mobility. They arent as effective against other types of units but being able to deal damage (and not take it) is what really sets them apart from every other type of unit.
Are Craftworlds competitive?
A: No, they are not. Its a game mode that rewards you for completing songs and hitting certain milestones with the other players in your group moreso than it is to beat everyone else.
What is the best Eldar Craftworld?
A: The best Craftworld is Ulthwe.
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- eldar 9th edition tactics
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