The Iron Banner is a weekly Crucible multiplayer event. The first week of the...
Felix Johnson
The world of Minecraft is filled with underground strongholds, which players can use to...
Pokémon has been a popular franchise for decades, and the newest version of Pokémon...
It is extremely rare to find a word in the dictionary that has “S”...
Grass-types are generally seen as a weaker, but more versatile type of Pokémon. With...
As the hype for innovative games continues to grow, fans of Final Fantasy are...
Dying Light 2 is still getting plenty of updates. We’re moving ever closer to...
Lost Ark: Tier 3 Island Route is an award-winning game that will be launching...
The World Touring Car Championships take place every year in fictional G-TOUR 7. This...
Superheroes are in full swing with the release of a new Flash movie, Shazam...