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How to Find an End City in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide

A step-by-step guide on how to find an End City in Minecraft using a map seed.

How To Find End Cities Video Tutorial

It might be difficult to locate the End City in Minecraft. However, with this step-by-step approach, you’ll be able to swiftly and simply discover your own End City. This comprehensive lesson will teach you how to find an End City, including how to check for them, scout for them, and find an ender crystal so you may enter the city securely.

In this video lesson, you’ll discover:

  • How to find an End City near you
  • How to survey the region surrounding it for other players or monsters
  • How to eventually enter the city via an ender crystal

You’ll also receive some pointers on how to effectively tour the city’s interior once you’re there. You should have no issue discovering a safe haven inside one of Minecraft’s most intriguing areas if you follow all of these instructions.

Available Platforms

Minecraft is accessible on a variety of platforms, each with its unique set of features, making it tough to decide which is ideal for your gaming experience. You will have access to multiple versions of the game depending on your device. PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices running Android and iOS are presently accessible.

There are several things to consider when selecting the best platform to play Minecraft on, including the cost of the game version and extra or expansion content, user interface and control scheme preferences, and hardware capabilities. Some versions additionally include unique material that is not available in other editions.

Regardless of the platform you choose to buy Minecraft on, the decision ultimately boils down to personal choice, since each user will have their own view on what best meets their requirements.

Required To Find An End City

The End City is a place in the video game Minecraft. It is a thrilling and famous location where players may obtain rare treasures, explore diverse terrain, and combat some of the game’s most hazardous creatures.

To go to the End City, players must first find one of three End Portal Frames in a Stronghold and activate each frame using an Ender Eye. When all of the frames are triggered, an active End Portal will materialize, transporting players to The End Biome.

Once within the biome, players must look for an Ender Dragon to gain entry to the city. They will be able to soar up high above the city and approach it by reaching its platform after they have beaten it. Inside, they’ll discover towers and buildings fashioned of Obsidian blocks, as well as treasure boxes holding rare artifacts like Elytra wings and magical books. A succession of tiny openings lead into tunnels filled with Shulkers that drop unique objects such as shulker shells.

Steps To Find An End City

The End City is a construction that emerges from the End biome. It looks like a vast cluster of towering skyscrapers made of end stones and purple blocks. To discover an End City, players must first identify a fortress and then follow the ender eyes that dangle in it. The eyes will lead Minecraft players to an end portal chamber packed with obsidian frames, each with an eye of ender. When all of the eyes are appropriately aligned, the portal will open, leading to the End biome’s outer island.

When players arrive in the outer islands, they may encounter monsters such as shulkers and Endermen, as well as an Ender Dragon flying above. Further investigation may reveal an End City, albeit owing to their scarcity, they may be difficult to locate. Additionally, players may collect riches from chests inside these constructions, which may be quite useful for their Minecraft travels.

1. Teleport Through The Portal

The quickest method to go to the End City in Minecraft is to use the portal. This entails entering the Nether, constructing a nether portal, and utilizing it to travel between the Overworld and the Nether. When you arrive in the Nether, look for a Bastion Remnant construction. These constructions house rare and powerful treasure, as well as a chest holding an Eye of Ender, which is necessary to activate an End Portal.

After locating an Eye of Ender, place it on an End Portal frame that is at least three blocks high and five blocks wide, and then activate the portal, lifting you to the End city.

2. Throw An Ender Pearl At The Portal

Once you’ve discovered the End City in Minecraft, you must insert an Ender Pearl through the portal. Ender Pearls are unique artifacts that may be tossed to transport you to the End world. The pearl will be tossed towards the pillar of white blocks that builds and will activate the portal when it falls, resulting in a battlefield-style animation as the blocks rise and collapse around you. You will then be transported within the portal and ready to explore the End City.

Once inside, you’ll find a plethora of prizes, including unique blocks, potions, dragon heads, and other fantastic stuff. However, proceed with care since there are several hazardous mobs that may surprise you along your quest.

3. Find An End City

The End City is a construction in Minecraft’s End biome, a place of peril and adventure. It is the home of the Ender Dragon, an intimidating boss mob. The building is rich in treasure, making it ideal for daring gamers searching for rewarding adventures.

Finding an End City, on the other hand, may be difficult. Fortunately, there are various methods to find them. One method is to find them using produced structures and external mapping tools or websites. An simpler option would be to activate “Show Coordinates” in your game settings and then search the globe for one. If you manage to reach The End without dying, you may also approach an existing end city. Finally, if you’re feeling very inventive, you may construct your own end city by stacking Purpur Blocks and Shulkers on top of Obsidian Pillars or atop a Stronghold discovered under the surface of The End’s main island.


FAQ is an abbreviation for Frequently Asked Questions. These are frequently asked questions regarding a certain subject or product. In the context of this topic, it may allude to commonly asked questions about locating an end city in Minecraft.

End Cities in Minecraft are fortresses situated on the planet’s outskirts that can only be accessed by triggering numerous end portals dispersed around the globe and then traveling through them. Answering FAQs may provide players important information about how to find these places in the game.

This section will provide players recommendations and advise on how to discover an End City, such as:

  • how many end portals must be triggered and where these portals can be found
  • what sort of mobs/enemies they may encounter while searching
  • other vital data they should keep in mind when searching.

How many End Cities are there?

End Cities in a Minecraft world have an unknown number since their placements are random and Warp Pads lead to a new city each time. However, it is expected that 1-2 End Cities will emerge in each globe, however this may vary depending on the size.

End Cities are End biome Outer Islands that are home to Ender Dragon fighting grounds and Elytra flying areas. Each End City has a number of multi-story constructions, such as towers, obsidian pillars, bridges, and other lootable containers. Endermen are often found in these cities, along with other mobs such as shulker boxes and parrots.

To discover an End City while playing Minecraft Survival Mode, players must locate an Eye of Ender or an Ender Portal by utilizing an Eye of Ender or identifying neighboring Strongholds with Eyes of Ender within them. Once discovered, players may move between cities by using the Warp Pad blocks.

How do you make an End City portal?

Making an End City portal might be difficult, but if you follow the methods below, you’ll be able to do it in no time.

  1. Gather the materials: To make an End City portal, you’ll need 8 obsidian blocks and 1 eye of ender.
  2. Arrange the obsidian blocks: After gathering your supplies, arrange them on the ground to form a 4×4 square shape, and then fill it in with the remaining four obsidian blocks.
  3. Open the portal: by placing your eye of ender in the middle of your obsidian square. This will make your End City portal operational.
  4. Enter it: Now that your portal has been activated, just right-click on it with a flint and steel to enter it and explore The End City.

Keep in mind that there are no certainties while looking for an End City in Minecraft; but following these techniques should significantly increase your chances.

How do I leave the End city?

Leaving the End City in Minecraft may be difficult and may need some assistance. It’s important to note that there is no one right method to exit an End City; each player has their own experience and strategy. Understanding the fundamentals of End Cities and how to navigate them, on the other hand, may make for a lot more pleasant voyage.

The first stage is to go to the End City, which may be accomplished by utilizing an End Portal or an Ender Pearl. Once entering the End City, you’ll see a variety of buildings such as an End Gate, Observatory, and Ender Dragon Tower. You must escape these constructions by completing riddles or triggering switches that uncover secret tunnels. You will also uncover chests with goods that can aid you on your adventure, such as Elytra wings or Eye Of Ender blocks.

After overcoming all of these challenges, you will ultimately reach the exit portal at the city’s outskirts, which will transport you back home.

How to Find an End City in Minecraft (Step-by-Step)