In the Serious Sam series, all weapons are based on real-life firearms and have...
Felix Johnson
The next three Call of Duty games will be released on PlayStation 4, but...
Sims 4 is a life simulation game that lets you create your own virtual...
Anime and manga are both underrepresented on this site. This list is one big...
The Washington DC Attorney General’s office filed a lawsuit against Google, which alleges the...
In Devour, there is a map called Asylum. It was released in the 1.0...
The game offers a new and unique video-game experience. The developers have done an...
In this Hitman 3 guide, you will find everything you need to know about...
A new feature list for the upcoming Quake II RTX graphics update has been...
Stardew Valley is a turn-based sandbox RPG that follows the story of a young...