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Best Rings For Melee Builds in Dark Souls 2 –

One of the most discussed features of Dark Souls 2 is its complicated and deep combat system. Some believe that it requires more skill than some other games in order to be successful, but there’s still a theory floating around about what could make for an ideal melee build. One thing many players agree on? Rings are extremely useful….

The “dark souls 2 third dragon ring” is a ring that can be found in the game. This ring increases your fire damage by 50% and has an attack rating of 10. The ring is also one of the best rings for melee builds in Dark Souls 2.

Best Rings For Melee Builds in Dark Souls 2 –

Aside from weapons and armor, you’ll need to fill up an equipment space in all of the Dark Souls games: rings!

A good set of jewelers may make or break whole builds because to their massive and diverse perks.

Rings, unlike other items of clothing, do not have any stat requirements. As a result, everyone and everyone may utilize them!

So, if you’re looking for a superb melee character, come along with me as we examine which bling is most suited to adorn your fingers.


Crest of Blood, No. 10

Crest of Blood Ring in Dark Souls 2

While there are many distinct rings with various perks, not all of them are made equally.

Some boosts are either too “narrow” or too “build-specific,” making them unusable for the vast majority of players.

Although a couple of the items on this list fall under one of these categories, I felt they were fascinating and worthwhile enough to spend some time discussing.

With that out of the way, the Crest of Blood is the first ring at the bottom of our list, which increases the damage of bleed weapons and stacks with other similar abilities (like the Shadow Gauntlets).

Weapons having an intrinsic effect will get a higher bonus than those that have been infused (infusing an already innate bleed weapon makes the boost slightly better too).

If you intend to bleed out your opponents, this is something to think about.

How to receive it: This item was given to you as a reward for joining the Brotherhood of Blood covenant.


Dexterity Ring (No. 9)

Dexterity Ring in Dark Souls 2

This slot is allocated to all four of the “+5” rings that exist, not simply the Dexterity Ring.

When you need a few additional stats to wield anything (like a new weapon) but don’t have the souls or don’t want to spend those points, these small circles come in useful.

They’re also useful in the early to midgame when you don’t know what else to do with your slots. Raw data is always preferable than nothing!

Although, as you go, their use diminishes since you’ll have most certainly achieved the soft limit in your favorite stats.

How to get there: Down a stairway near the first bonfire in Brume Tower.


8. A Leo Ring from the Past

Old Leo Ring in Dark Souls 2

This one also falls under the “very specialized” category.

The Old Leo Ring increases the counterattack damage of thrust strikes, which implies assaulting your opponent when they are in the middle of their animation (attacking, jumping, etc.).

Contrary to what the tooltip claims, the boost applies to all thrust-type attacks (including spears, halberds, and even greatbows), making it significantly less limited than the tooltip claims.

Basically, it’s simply a handy tool for any PvPers out there.

How to obtain it: The Old Dragonslayer monster in Heide’s Tower will drop it for you.


Stone Ring No. 7

Stone Ring in Dark Souls 2

This is the last ring we’ll discuss before moving on to the “all-purpose utility” arena.

The Stone Ring adds a flat 30 poise-damage boost to all of your strikes (including spells, but this is a melee article, so we won’t get into that), making it easier for your adversaries to be staggered.

Because the advantage is constant and does not alter, quicker weapons that can make several rapid consecutive attacks will benefit more from it than heavier hitters.

This is the first ring you can acquire in DS2 if you don’t count starter stuff!

How to obtain it: It’s dropped by the first Ogre you meet in Things Betwixt and Between (on your left up a hill, before you enter the character-creation house).


6. Ring of Life

Life Ring in Dark Souls 2

This one is really straightforward.

How do you manage to remain alive? Make sure you don’t get hit!

But what if I’m struck? Have a life that isn’t 0!

It’s no secret that the game’s armor isn’t the finest.

Originally, I had the Ring of Steel Protection in this location, but after some research, I determined that a 15% more life is always preferable than a meager 100 in physical defenses.

Not to add that certain adversaries have attacks that aren’t exclusively physical, in which case physical protections are useless.

Don’t dismiss this opportunity!

Treasure in Brume Tower, up the Foyer bonfire elevator, and over the gap created by another elevator is how to obtain (+3 version).


5. The Ring of the Royal Soldier

Royal Soldier’s Ring in Dark Souls 2

In Dark Souls 2, the amount of equipment you have influences two things:

How quickly your stamina regenerates and how much you may equip before beginning to “slow roll,” also known as “fat roll,” is determined (it also has an impact on the fall damage you take, but nobody really cares about that).

Obviously, both of these things are very essential to everyone.

Greater actions equals more stamina, and quicker rolls equals better dodges.

The Royal Soldier’s Ring (+2) boosts your maximum equipment load by 20%, relieving a great deal of strain in your back and allowing you to carry even the heaviest of loads.

How to obtain it: Velstadt drops it in New Game+.


4. The Ring of Flynn

Flynn’s Ring in Dark Souls 2

We’ve got a ring that operates in direct contrast to the one we had before.

Flynn’s Ring boosts your physical Attack Rating by a factor of your maximum equipment load (not how much you’re wearing, but how much you can wear).

You gain a maximum of 50 additional AR at 60 Equip Load.

If you exceed this limit, the ring scales backwards, doing less and less damage as your equip load grows.

It’s an excellent ring for light builds looking to destroy their opponents quickly.

How to obtain it: In Dragon’s Sanctum, look for a metal chest.


Ring of Chloranthy

Chloranthy Ring in Dark Souls 2

As I already said, stamina is important.

You can’t run, leap, dodge, or even attack if you don’t have enough stamina!

At its most powerful, the Cloranthy Ring gives you a 25% boost in stamina recovery speed, which equates to 25% more actions for you!

It really improves one’s quality of life.

How to obtain it: In New Game+, the Executioner’s Chariot boss drops it.


2. Blades’ Ring

Ring of Blades in Dark Souls 2

Do you recall Flynn’s ring?

This is the same technique as before, but without the ridiculous equipment load math constraints.

It is common knowledge that if you don’t want to die, just kill your opponent before they kill you.

The Ring of Blades provides a flat +50 boost to all physical damage (with few exceptions for infused/elemental weapons), substantially assisting you in your slaughtering ambitions.

And yes, it stacks with Flynn’s, allowing for some really corny but intriguing builds!

How to obtain it: The Double Pursuer battle in New Game+ drops it.


1. Dragon Ring No. 3

Third Dragon Ring in Dark Souls 2

If you’ve played the original Dark Souls, you’re probably aware of the greatest ring in the game: the Ring of Favor and Protection (also known as FAP).

The Third Dragon Ring in DS2 is a great alternative for the FAP, however it isn’t quite as good.

It has everything you could possibly desire in a ring (which is more life, stamina, and equipment load).

However, you cannot wear the other Dragon Rings (First and Second) while wearing this one, despite their differing names.

How to obtain it: Treasure is hidden behind a Mimic and a Drakekeeper in Dragon Shrine.

Watch This Video-

The “dark souls 2 ring of blades worth it” is a ring that can be found in Dark Souls 2. It has the highest number of durability and attack power out of all rings in the game. The only downside is that it takes up an entire slot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best melee weapon in Dark Souls 2?

A: The best melee weapon in Dark Souls 2 is the Crystal Halberd.

How many rings can you wear in Dark Souls 2?

A: You can wear up to 6 rings.

Does the old Sun ring break?

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